Corona Virus Update #1 – This sucks.

We’re in the midst of a global pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 has infected thousands of people on every continent in the world (except Antarctica. We don’t know yet if the penguins have got it.)

Texas has confirmed 1,396 positive cases and 18 deaths. Because of a lack of tests, only symptomatic patients are being tested. That means there are likely hundreds, if not thousands of people in this state alone who may be infected but haven’t shown any signs of the disease.

The frustrating part is that it’s not known whether the virus can be transmitted if a person is infected but asymptomatic.  We’ve all been advised to operate as though we’re already infected and to stay as far from each other as possible.

Medical personnel are on the front lines, preparing for a tsunami of illness, but without the proper PPE (patient protection equipment.)  Thousands of people in the sewing and crafting world have been making mask covers as hospitals are requiring staff to reuse disposable masks. It’s unfathomable.

The first stories are popping up on social media about how awful being sick with this disease. They’re pretty scary.  The city has advised that all people “shelter in place” which means that unless it is absolutely necessary, that every just stays home.  Schools have closed at least until April 13, but I feel like they probably won’t reopen again this year.  That’s a really shitty situation for working parents who can’t work from home, single parents who may not have support for childcare, people who still have to go to work because their jobs are considered essential.

The economy is teetering. Unemployment claims have reached over 3 million. It’s unprecedented.

But how am I doing?  Well I’m hanging in there. That seems to be my standard answer to every thing these days.  My dad died three weeks ago and then all this coronavirus madness began.  I’ve been so busy trying to make sure we’re all taken care of at home that I haven’t had a lot of time to grieve or even think about my dad so much. It comes in waves and a few nights ago the tears finally came. I had a good ugly cry for awhile. It helps.

The kids are still allowed to go outside but not allowed to interact with anyone, including their friends. I’m so glad we bought them bikes when we did. It gives them an outlet. They’ve been troupers through this experience and pretty easy going, but it’s only the second week of being out of school and we still have two more to go (and possibly longer.)

I finally kicked my cold and sinus infection that I had starting around March 4. Now I’ve just got this bit of a mild cough that seems to get worse when I step outside. Oak pollen is through the roof and I’m super allergic. Of course, there is that nagging feeling in the back of my mind saying, “What if it’s COVID???”   No fever though, which is a good sign.

We’re just taking it one day at a time. I think a silver lining (if you can find one right now) is that we’re all having to slow down. For the most part, I’ve gotten quite a bit of sleep; much more than I have in the past couple of months.  I’m getting to spend more time with my children and I’m enjoying that quite a bit.

So we’ll see. I don’t know how long this will last. I don’t know if we’re talking weeks or months. My goal is to make sure everyone one of my family members stays healthy and does not get infected.  So lots of hand washing, social distancing, resting, and keeping busy.

#staysafe #stayalive #stayinside


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